Peppermint Tea Recipes

Peppermint tea is likely the most commonly drunk herb tea in the world. It is beneficial for many ailments from inflammation, to digestive complaints, sinus issues as well as boosts immunity and promotes mental alertness. I will go over the benefits of peppermint in more detail in another post soon.

Peppermint blends well with the following herbs for creating unique tea blends;

Yerba mate
lemon balm
red raspberry leaf

You can also add in things such as lemon, orange, green tea, chocolate, cucumber for some creative variations as well.

The following are some recipes I love and use! Most of these recipes can be doubled or tripled and stored in a glass jar until used. I use dried herbs unless otherwise specified. Your basic ratio is 1 tsp to 1 cup of water to brew though you can adjust this to suit your taste of course. Enjoy!!!

Orange Mint Tea

3 C. water
6 fresh sprigs peppermint
1/3 c. sugar or other sweetener
2 C. orange juice
1/2 C. fresh squeezed lemon juice
cold water/ice cubes

Bring 3 cups of water to boil. Add mint and cover. Remove from heat and steep for 15 minutes. Strain out mint. Add sugar and stir until well dissolved. This is a concentrate and can be frozen or refrigerated for later use.

Combine orange and lemon juices in a 2qt container. Add mint concentrate and enough water and ice to fill container. Chill and serve.

Lavender Mint

1/2 cup peppermint leaves
2 tsp lavender

Mint Chocolate

1/2 c. green tea (houjicha)
1/4 c. peppermint
1/4 c. cacao nibs
1/8 dried apple pieces
pinch of ginger
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract

Moroccan Mint

1/2 cup gunpowder green tea
1/3 c. peppermint
1/4 cup lemon verbena

Yerba Mate Mint

1 cup rosted yerba mate
1/2 cup peppermint
dash of lemon zest

Like many of these blends, this one is good iced or hot!

Lemon Mint

1/2 cup peppermint
1/2 cup lemon balm
1/2 cup lemongrass
lemon zest

Tummy Tamer

This blend is for upset stomachs, bloating, gas and any other minor digestive complaints! A great blend to drink after a large meal!

1 cup peppermint
1/4 cup fennel seeds
1/2 cup ginger

Mint Blossom

1/2 cup peppermint
1/2 cup rosehips
1/2 cup hibiscus

Mom to Be Pregnancy Blend

4 cups red raspberry leaf
1 cup nettle
1/2 cup peppermint

Strengthening Brew

1 cup nettle
1 cup peppermint

Cold & Flu Tea Blend

This blend is for coughs, colds, sore throats and fevers. Infuse for 10-20 minutes and drink as needed.

1/2 cup peppermint
1/2 cup sage
1/4 cup yarrow
1/4 cup elderflowers

Cucumber Mint Green Tea

8 cups Japanese green tea
1/2 cucumber, peeled and seeded and pureed
1/4 cup fresh peppermint, muddled and finely chopped
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
Garnish with sliced cucumbers

Combine all ingredients and chill for several hours. Strain and serve over ice.


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